Each Amber Coaching Package participant can select one of three coached tracks — providing a more granular, personalized focus amidst the broader legacy-themed conversations. 

Each track may be engaged at whatever level of depth and intensity suits the participant’s desire and level of interest.

Spouses may choose the same or different tracks to suit their needs, energy level, and stage of life.



Track 1 // Message & Method

Coach: Justin Fike

Discovering, organizing, and disseminating the message you want to share with the world

You think you might have a book in you, some stories to tell, some life-hacks to share, or maybe you just want to make an impact by sharing some things you’ve learned. But the process of going from “I have something to share" to a finished book, blog, script, etc can be complicated, convoluted, and confusing.  

If this sounds familiar, this track may be right for you. In the company of a core of fellow travelers, I'll help get you started on the journey of distilling what you have to share with others and crafting a workable growth plan you can set in motion.  

Together we will:

  • Gather virtually for a small group coaching session where I will introduce a process I’ve created to help emerging writers with their craft. Whether you are a seasoned writer or a novice, you’ll glean valuable information, utilizing a system that will make your process smoother.  

  • I’ll share a video course, including detailed exercises to walk you through each step.

  • Prior to your Retreat at Sea we’ll have an individual coaching session to refine your approach and create a writing plan that will help you decide on a strategy – for your “bounded open space” on the boat, and beyond — and begin to create habits that fit your schedule and preferences.



Track 2 // Notion: Organizing Your World

Coach: Janelle Hugel

Customizing a turn-key life management system to tame that incessant barrage of stuff

We all have things on our “someday list” and if we’re honest, they tend to pile up. As a full-time solopreneur, I felt like every productivity system I tried was created for already organized and productive people – but didn’t work for my messy mind.  

Let me introduce you to what changed the game for me: Notion, your new best friend.  It’s like the Swiss army knife of productivity tools – your all-in-one second brain, scalable and flexible enough to contain and manage all the areas of your life and work, seamlessly. 

I have coached over 200 people who’ve implemented my proprietary system, crafted to fit their unique requirements. I’ve seen firsthand how people of all ages and technical skill levels have lightened their load by developing one trusted space for guilt-free planning, archives that don’t get buried, and frictionless capture of new ideas.  

Together we will:

  • Gather virtually for a small group coaching session where you’ll see for yourself just how revolutionary Notion is. In this orientation, you’ll receive an overview of the system along with 150+ page templates to begin the process.

  •  I’ll share tutorial videos to watch at your own pace, to get past any technical hurdles and get you up to speed in order to harness the power of the templates.

  • Prior to your Retreat at Sea, we’ll have an individual coaching session to customize your plan of attack. I will help you think through your priorities as you create and implement your personalized life-management organizational system. You’ll be ready to board the ship with everything you need to input, gather, and organize to your heart’s content during your upcoming “bounded open space.”



Track 3 // Seasonal Life Upgrades

Coaches: Doug & Charlene Fike

Intentionally embracing personal upgrades in the midst of life’s changing seasons

A wise mentor once told us, “Every two to five years, step back and take a look at who you are becoming, and what relational upgrades are needed as a result.” The insight was life-changing.

From that time forward we’ve attempted to build in seasonal spaces for this kind of reflection, and have helped hundreds of leaders around the world — fellow journeyers near and far — do the same.

Carl Jung said “The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego; the second half is going inward and letting go of it.” We’ll provide resources, and support to help you navigate life’s second half, assessing where upgrades are in order along the way: in relation to God, your own heart, your spouse and family, and in your relationships extending outward (friends, mentors, teams, co-laborers).

Together we will:

  • Gather virtually for a small group coaching session to explore what relational upgrades are and how they work in real life.

  • We’ll share tools and frameworks to help you take inventory and set this important but usually overlooked process in motion.

  • Prior to your Retreat at Sea, we’ll have an individualized coaching session to help you identify and focus in on your top priorities, to derive maximum benefit from your transatlantic “bounded open space.”